12 August, 2020

On Wednesday, the Government decided to increase the maximum number of participants in indoor events to 600 people from August 16 to 31. From 1 September onwards, the number of participants will no longer be restricted, but it will be important to follow the decisions of the State Commander of National Emergency Operations as regards the requirements (keeping distance, wearing protective equipment, etc.).

Furthermore, it was decided to lift the ban of sports medical personnel as regards the entry to the Republic of Lithuania. According to the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania, this is related to the upcoming sports season, and teams come together with doctors.

With school year fast approaching, students will also be allowed to come to Lithuania, particularly having in mind the increasing number of enquiries in this regard. Students have been singled out as a separate category also as a result of the recommendations by the European Union.

The entry ban will not apply to foreigners who are partners of the citizens of the Republic of Lithuania (in registered partnership) or partners of those who hold a document confirming their right to permanent residence in the Republic of Lithuania. The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania points out that, under the law of the European Union and the case-law of the Constitutional Court, partnership in its content qualifies as a family, besides, person with whom a registered partnership has been contracted are defined as members of family in the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the legal status of aliens;

The relaxed entry restrictions also cover investors. The Ministry of Economy and Innovation points out that investors must first visit the country to make a decision to invest.

The Government has approved the proposal by the Ministry of the Interior to extend the control of the country's internal borders at airports and seaports for another month, i.e. until 14 September 14, given the current COVID-19 situation and its developments.

Last updated: 27 10 2020